Source code for

from collections import namedtuple
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional

IEEE = namedtuple("IEEE", "ese esr idn opc sre stb tst")

[docs]def ieee( oscope, cls: bool = False, ese: Optional[int] = None, esr: bool = False, opc: bool = False, rst: bool = False, sre: Optional[int] = None, stb: bool = False, tst: bool = False, ): """ Send IEEE488.2 common commands. All arguments are optional. The device reset command is followed by a 5 seceond delay. Args: cls (bool): ``*CLS`` ese (int): ``*ESE`` esr (bool): ``*ESR?`` opc (bool): ``*OPC`` rst (bool): ``*RST`` sre (int): ``*SRE`` stb (bool): ``*STB?`` tst (bool): ``*TST?`` Returns: A namedtuple with fields corresponding to the named arguments of this function (except ``cls`` and ``rst``). All fields are queried regardless of which arguments were initially provided. The ``idn`` field is additionally provided as a result of the query ``*IDN?``. """ if cls: oscope.write("*CLS") if ese is not None: oscope.write("*ESE {:d}".format(ese)) if opc: oscope.write("*OPC") if rst: oscope.write("*RST") sleep(5) if sre is not None: oscope.write("*SRE {:d}".format(sre)) return IEEE( ese=int(oscope.query("*ESE?")), esr=int(oscope.query("*ESR?")) if esr else None, idn=oscope.query("*IDN?"), opc=bool(int(oscope.query("*OPC?"))), sre=int(oscope.query("*SRE?")), stb=int(oscope.query("*STB?")) if stb else None, tst=int(oscope.query("*TST?")) if tst else None, )