Source code for src.display

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, Union

DISPLAY = namedtuple(
    "DISPLAY", "data type grading_time wave_brightness grid grid_brightness"

[docs]def display( oscope, clear: bool = False, type: Optional[str] = None, grading_time: Union[str, float, None] = None, wave_brightness: Optional[int] = None, grid: Optional[str] = None, grid_brightness: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Send commands to control an oscilloscope's display. All arguments are optional. Args: clear (bool): ``:DISPlay:CLEar`` type (str): ``:DISPlay:TYPE`` grading_time (str, float): ``:DISPlay:GRADing:TIME`` wave_brightness (int): ``:DISPlay:WBRightness`` grid (str): ``:DISPlay:GRID`` grid_brightness: ``:DISPlay:GBRightness`` Returns: A namedtuple with fields corresponding to the named arguments of this function. All fields are queried regardless of which arguments were initially provided. The ``data`` field is additionally provided as a result of the query ``:DISPlay:DATA?``. """ if clear: oscope.write(":DISP:CLE") if type is not None: oscope.write(":DISP:TYPE {:s}".format(type)) if grading_time is not None: if isinstance(grading_time, str): oscope.write(":DISP:GRAD:TIME {:s}".format(grading_time)) else: oscope.write(":DISP:GRAD:TIME {:g}".format(grading_time)) if wave_brightness is not None: oscope.write(":DISP:WBR {:d}".format(wave_brightness)) if grid is not None: oscope.write(":DISP:GRID {:s}".format(grid)) if grid_brightness is not None: oscope.write(":DISP:GBR {:d}".format(grid_brightness)) time = oscope.query(":DISP:GRAD:TIME?") if time not in ("MIN", "INF"): time = float(time) return DISPLAY( data=oscope.visa_rsrc.query_binary_values(":DISP:DATA?", "B"), type=oscope.query(":DISP:TYPE?"), grading_time=time, wave_brightness=int(oscope.query(":DISP:WBR?")), grid=oscope.query(":DISP:GRID?"), grid_brightness=int(oscope.query(":DISP:GBR?")), )