from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional
CHANNEL = namedtuple(
"bwlimit coupling display invert offset range tcal scale probe units vernier",
[docs]def channel(
n: int,
bwlimit: Optional[bool] = None,
coupling: Optional[str] = None,
display: Optional[bool] = None,
invert: Optional[bool] = None,
offset: Optional[float] = None,
range: Optional[float] = None,
tcal: Optional[float] = None,
scale: Optional[float] = None,
probe: Optional[float] = None,
units: Optional[str] = None,
vernier: Optional[bool] = None,
Send commands to control an oscilloscope's vertical channel.
Other than the channel number, all arguments are optional.
``range``, ``scale``, and ``offset`` are potentially conflicting
commands if all three are simultaneously specified; they are issued in that order.
n (int): The channel to be controlled (1 through 4).
bwlimit (bool): ``:CHANnel<n>:BWLimit``
coupling (str): ``:CHANnel<n>:COUPling``
display (bool): ``:CHANnel<n>:DISPlay``
invert (bool): ``:CHANnel<n>:INVert``
offset (float): ``:CHANnel<n>:OFFSet``
range (float): ``:CHANnel<n>:RANGe``
tcal (float): ``:CHANnel<n>:TCAL``
scale (float): ``:CHANnel<n>:SCALe``
probe (float): ``:CHANnel<n>:PROBe``
units (str): ``:CHANnel<n>:UNITs``
vernier (bool): ``:CHANnel<n>:VERNier``
A namedtuple with fields corresponding to the named arguments of this function.
All fields are queried regardless of which arguments were initially provided.
root = ":CHAN{:d}:".format(n)
if bwlimit is not None:
cmd = "20M" if bwlimit else "OFF"
oscope.write(root + "BWL " + cmd)
if coupling is not None:
oscope.write(root + "COUP " + coupling)
if display is not None:
oscope.write(root + "DISP {:d}".format(display))
if invert is not None:
oscope.write(root + "INV {:d}".format(invert))
if vernier is not None:
oscope.write(root + "VERN {:d}".format(vernier))
if probe is not None:
oscope.write(root + "PROB {:0.2f}".format(probe))
if range is not None:
oscope.write(root + "RANG {:0.10f}".format(range))
if scale is not None:
oscope.write(root + "SCAL {:0.10f}".format(scale))
if offset is not None:
oscope.write(root + "OFFS {:0.10f}".format(offset))
if tcal is not None:
oscope.write(root + "TCAL {:0.10f}".format(tcal))
if units is not None:
oscope.write(root + "UNIT " + units)
return CHANNEL(
bwlimit=oscope.query(root + "BWL?") == "20M",
coupling=oscope.query(root + "COUP?"),
display=bool(int(oscope.query(root + "DISP?"))),
invert=bool(int(oscope.query(root + "INV?"))),
vernier=bool(int(oscope.query(root + "VERN?"))),
probe=float(oscope.query(root + "PROB?")),
offset=float(oscope.query(root + "OFFS?")),
range=float(oscope.query(root + "RANG?")),
scale=float(oscope.query(root + "SCAL?")),
tcal=float(oscope.query(root + "TCAL?")),
units=oscope.query(root + "UNIT?"),